Yarn Posts

Sneak Peak

As a Small Business owner, particularly a crochet small business owner, I find it quite difficult to come up with my very own patterns. Why? Because someone, somewhere has already made it and written up a pattern for it. It is quite frustrating when you are trying to get your name out there and grow your small business, but at the same time, it makes it very easy to tweak patterns to make them yours. But then, are they truly YOURS?

I would like to introduce you to my small business, Sweet Lolly Boutique, and kindly let you know, most of the items I make are orders from customers and are based on pictures they have sent me. I am blessed to be able to look at a picture and create it and hope to one day start writing my own patterns and designs. I can make just about anything and I think they are high quality items, if I don’t say so myself.

My most recent order was this beauty! They wanted a collared cocoon for their niece and I knew I could take on the task without a pattern. So I began….Slide4 (5) I will be writing this pattern down soon as it turned out so nice. I didn’t use any “one particular pattern” but my knowledge of several combined. The cable stitch across the front was inspired by Crochet It Creations’ cable stitch beanie (link at the bottom) but I made it only on the front of my cocoon instead of all the way around.

Next I added a collar and I believe it turned out beautifully!

So……. this pattern is coming soon and I really hope you enjoy it!

Link to the cable stitch beanie: https://crochetitcreations.com/braided-cable-beanie/

Hope you enjoy Crochet It Creations’ pattern as much as I do!


Yarn Posts

Plaid No-Sew Vest

As Promised, below you will find the instructions for my “AWESOME IDEA” from a post a few days ago! I’m sure there are plenty of “how to’s” for this, but this is my version. I hope you enjoy!

Plaid No-Sew Vest


The picture above is the finished product and an idea of how to style it. It would be super cute with jeans, jean skirt, long sleeved dress, etc. The limits are endless and I love how easy this was.



  1. Rotary Cutter or Scissors
  2. Measuring Tape
  3. 1 1/2 yards fabric (I prefer to buy the larger bolt, shirting material because it gives me more to work with and falls beautifully) *If you want a longer drape, buy 2 yards



  1. Iron the fabric. I find it so much easier to measure, fold, and cut when the fabric is ironed.
  2. Once ironed, fold the fabric over once so the selvage edge or sewn, frayed edge is on the bottom. I keep my cut edges on the top because I don’t want my vest fraying on the bottom since we aren’t hemming it.
  3. Take your measuring tape and on the top of the cut edge, measure five inches down. IMG_9748
  4. Next, measure the width between your shoulders and half it. For example: my shoulder width was 24 inches (I have very broad shoulders) so my measurement for the arm holes will be 12 inches.
  5. Measure your halved measurement (mine was 12 inches) from the FOLDED side of the fabric like shown below:IMG_9747
  6. Now, you have 5 inches from the top and 12 (or whatever your shoulder measurement is) from the fold, now it’s time to cut!
  7. Take your Rotary blade (or scissors) and make a slit down toward the selvage edge of fabric like shown: (my folded edge is to the right of my rotary cutter)IMG_9746
  8. I have found the length of my arm slit is typically the same halved measurement of my shoulder width. So for example, my arm holes are 12 inches down.
  9. Now, unfold the fabric and try it on. If it needs tweaking, then have at it.

And there you have it! A very versatile, no-sew, plaid vest. I will be crocheting a boarder around my edges because I love the way it looks, so I will be posting how to add a boarder with yarn soon. Enjoy!



Yarn Posts

Pennies for Profit

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you will bare with me as I get on my soapbox for a minute. I have a small business and by small I mean VERY small. I run this small business from my meager home, AND it is run after hours because I have a full time job Monday through Saturday. Everything I make, is done by hand. No machines, no sending it off to a factory….nothing. BY. HAND. I count every stitch and if I’m tired and miscount, I have to rip it apart and start over again. It is tedious and takes a very, very long time most times. Many orders I stay up until the wee hours of the morning to complete because you have given me a “deadline” or I’ve had to work late and don’t get home until 7:30p. Not to mention, I still have to cook dinner, clean up dinner, sweep the floor, pick up clutter, run a load of laundry, feed the cats, etc. I do not complain because I have chosen this life (and I’d never trade my married life to single life ever…EVER).

Because my business is small, and everything I make is by hand, I have a set price for my items. Do I charge you by the hour? NO! Should I? Probably. When you message and ask about our prices for items, and I tell you, please do NOT barter with me. These prices are fair and honestly should be a little higher than what I quote, but because I’m scared you won’t pay that price, I settle for less. I cut myself short and do not make a profit. Would you do the same to Kroger or Wal-Mart? If you see a cute hat and it’s 9.99 do you barter with Wal-Mart? No. You buy the hat. You get what you pay for. If my hats are listed at $20 per hat, please don’t ask me to settle for less. Slide2 (14)My items are very well made, take more time than factory/machine made items, and are personalized and made within YOUR deadline. I bend over backwards to meet my customer’s needs and many times don’t use a pattern because I’m sent a picture of what you need.

My customers are loyal, and willing to pay my set prices…and I SO GREATLY appreciate you all! Thank you for allowing my business to grow by supporting me. I’m making a broad suggestion to anyone who may buy homemade items. I know every homemade item small businesses out there will agree with me on this.

Lastly, please….and I am BEGGING you….PLEASE do NOT order something, and expect it to be delivered without payment. When you order something online, you will always have to pay first. ALWAYS….It’s not an option. Also…. do NOT order something and then fall off the face of the earth, reject my phone calls, block me on FB, etc. If you order something, please be an adult and take responsibility for your order. If you regret ordering it, or no longer need it, let me know before I spend hours making your item specifically for you, within your deadline, and then not ever answer my phone calls when it comes time for payment and delivery. It’s a big waste of my time, my money, and my resources (yarn, buttons, thread, fabric, etc.).

Ok. I’m done for now. Go checkout my Instagram page:  sweet_lolly_boutique


Yarn Posts

Cappuccino Day

So, I got an email this morning reminding me it was “National Cappuccino Day” today. Oh-my-lanta. A day dedicated to Cappuccino? Of COURSE I’m going to celebrate this day because Cappuccino is life! I mean…coffee in and of itself is life, but add in some frothy milk and a cool design and it bumps life up just a notch.

beverage breakfast cafe caffeine
Photo by Burst on Pexels.com

Of course my homemade cappuccino won’t have one of those cool designs (let’s face it, I’m the clumsiest person alive and if I tried to make a design out of the cream in my cappuccino I’d end up wearing my cappuccino all day) but it will be a tasty beginning to a hopefully great day because I decided to make mine a coconut cream cappuccino with stevia (because who doesn’t love an all natural sweetener?!?). I whipped up my cream a little in my magic bullet and added in my coffee and blended it until frothy and poured it into my nice, big, very Autumn mug. It’s one of my favorites and reminds me of how beautiful it is outside with the gorgeous colors of the changing leaves and the crisp, cool air…Just wish I could move my desk outside so I could enjoy it better!

Anyway, Happy National Cappuccino Day to all of you, my friends. I hope you get to enjoy it as I know I will.



Yarn Posts

Coffee & Meditation

A Great Beginning

I am always amazed how the Lord gives you exactly what you need for the day. This morning was one of those hard mornings. You know the kind….You don’t want to get out of bed, get dressed, and make the trek to work. You begrudge it. Your bed is so cozy and warm, the morning sun hasn’t quite crept its way through the bedroom window, and you haven’t had your coffee (coffee is important).

white cup filled by coffee
Photo by Jonas Mohamadi on Pexels.com

But, you must. Like me, you probably moan when you get up, moan when you start your shower water, moan when you put your clothes on, and moan when you have to leave. The Lord and my husband both know I desire to be home. I’ve never been one to want a career or work in a specific field, I wanted to be a house wife and a mother. But, our bills must be paid and without my income to support my hub’s, we would not be able to eat (and we need to eat!). So, I go to work.

I get to work, usually one or two minutes late, and immediately make my coffee. I then sit in my office and have my “coffee & meditation” time (I like to call it that)….it’s more like the calm before the storm. HA! Typically I only have time to read a Psalm or two so I stay in Psalms for these morning meditation sessions. This morning, I happen to be in Psalm 37. WHAT A BLESSING! For the most part of the chapter, David is talking about the wicked and how God will cut them down like grass and we shouldn’t worry about them. But, there are some golden nuggets (no…not chicken nuggets) in the selection of reading today, like vs. 3-5, 7, 23, 24, and 34. These few verses are God’s command for my life. It doesn’t say “if you want” you can do this…. NO! It says trust, delight, commit, rest, etc. What I have gleaned from these nuggets of truth is this: To have the “steps of a good man” they must be ordered by the Lord. The verses before this phrase are the orders. I am to:

  1. Trust in the Lord- I shall be fed
  2. Delight myself in the Lord- He will give me the desires of my heart
  3. Commit my way to the Lord- He will bring it to pass
  4. Rest in the Lord- Do not fret because of others, wait patiently on God
  5. Wait on the Lord- Keep His way and HE will exalt you

Of course there are more “in depth” studies revolving around these verses, but this is my take-away for today. To have the steps of a good man, I must trust, delight, commit, rest, and wait. PERIOD. So no more moaning, no more begrudging, just trust, delight, commit, rest, and wait. God will take care of you as He always does. No matter what you are going through, no matter what trial you may be facing, God will take care of you. HE will exalt you. Trust, delight, commit, rest, and wait on Him. What He promises, He will do.
